Lesotho News

Hand Me Down, August Redistribution at Maliba Mountain Lodge

September 25, 2012

So your asking “what is Hand Me Down“? To answer your question, it’s initiative aimed at the collection and redistribution of your old clothes to less fortunate people and communities!
The SA Adventure team was beaming with excitement as we set off on the August Hand Me Down redistribution! The Land Rover’s were packed to the brim with all the bags of Hand Me Downs we had collected. They bounced and weaved their way up a rugged mountain road as we made our way to the Ha Mali Community centre in Lesotho!

We could not believe our eyes when we finally arrived … there were over 200 very excited children there to meet us! Our immediate concern was that we would not have enough Hand Me Downs to go around!
After discussing our concerns with the care givers from the community centre, it was decided that they would manage the redistribution, starting with the children that are double orphans and most in need of clothes!

So while the Hand Me Down team observed the redistribution, we used the time to interact with the elderly and play games with the children everyone was thrilled and bouncing around with excitement!
All the children, as eager as they were waited for their name to be called to receive their Hand Me Downs. It amazed all of us how much respect the children have for their elders! We left the community centre a good few hours into the redistribution and there were still children waiting in line!

Maggie Day one of the Community Volunteers reported back to us that 574 children were able to receive Hand me Downs and that each child received a pair of shoes! Wow, we were blown away, what an achievement!

We would like to say a big THANK YOU to all of you who made a donation and helped make these children feel special! We could not do it without your Help! Thank you to all our Hand Me Down volunteers who support us and donate their time to this worthy cause!

We will be going on our next redistribution at the end of September and we need all the help we can get, so please we need you to donate your old unwanted clothes so we can Hand them Down!
For more information on how you can be involved with Hand Me Down, please contact us on hmd@saadventure.co.za The video below shows you just a little bit of the adventure we had on this redistribution! Want to join us on the next one?

About The Author

SA Adventure has a passion for teaching people how to use their 4×4 vehicle’s correctly, responsibly and safely! We have built a solid reputation for providing professional 4×4 training courses by experienced instructors and outstanding customer service!

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