Lesotho Festivals and Events

Lesotho Sky Marathon – Entries Open!

May 1, 2013



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In the heart of the Lesotho Highlands lies the Maluti Mountains, some of the best terrain for high altitude running in the world.

Serving as the “veins” of this region, an intricate network of trails exists along the valleys and mountain flanks, connecting many of the remote villages. Used primarily by livestock and shepherds, many of the mountain passes have been established by hand, allowing people and animals to pass through the Maluti Mountain Range on foot.

It is this ancient philosophy of man’s primal need to explore and conquer his surrounding terrain that has lead to the development of the Lesotho Ultra Trail, Africa’s first Ultra Skymarathon®.

What is Skyrunning?

  • Skyrunning – The discipline of mountain running up to or exceeding 2000m, where the incline exceeds 30% and where the climbing difficulty does not exceed 11° grade.
  • Skymarathon® – Races within a minimum of 2000m total elevation gain and between 30km to 42km in distance. The course may be over paths, trails, rock etc (a limit of <15% on paved or tarred surfaces) and may reach or exceed 3500m.

The Lesotho Ultra Trail is proudly hosted by Maliba Mountain Lodge in the heart of the Ts’ehlanyane National Park. This region of the Maluti Mountains forms part of the Lesotho Highlands and presents a world class Skyrunning terrain with a collection of high altitude mountain passes and live stock trails.

Limited Places Available – Enter Now!




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1 Comment

  • Reply quinton dupreez June 13, 2013 at 2:36 pm

    How much does this event cost from entry fee’s to accommodation
    and do I need to be part of a running club.I would like to do this event

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