
Maliba Construction Progress 2014

July 10, 2014

Maliba Construction Progress

The past few months have seen a huge amount of hard work going into the construction of our new building. The staff have taken extra care to ensure that the construction does not create a disturbance for our guests, ensuring those visiting Maliba experience the lodge as peacefully as imagined. The building is looking good and attention is beginning to turn upwards while we watch with much anticipation and excitement as the new roof forms.

Pole by pole, the form is beginning to show, giving a great preview into the final building.

A look at the building progress from inside.

A look at the building progress from inside.

With the window frames in position everything is coming together.

A sneak peak into the final building.

A sneak peak into the final building.

The roof is now close to complete, looking great and soon be thatched, we are well on our way to being able to boast a fantastic new building!

The well on its way and looking good.

The well on its way and looking good.


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