Lesotho Culture

Maternal Health Care Workshop

October 10, 2013

Manager of the Maliba Community Development Trust

Hi Everyone

I just want to let you know about the workshop that was had at St.Denis Clinic for 60 pregnant and nursing mothers which is called Maternal Health Care workshop. The workshop took five days starting from the 22nd to 26th of July.

As the name implies, the mothers and mothers-to-be were taught about very important issues to reduce Maternal and Infant Mortality.  Topics that were covered included pregnancy, Labour, child raising, attending ante natal clinics, importance, stages and types of infant and child immunization.

Maliba-Lodge-Community-Trust-workshopBased on the outcomes that were discussed I consider the workshop to be a great success and as this was my very first workshop to organize, I am very pleased. The workshop was sponsored by one of the greatest nurses in Australia Jo, she made it her goal to raise funds for this particular workshop and without any doubt she made it happen!

Thanks so much Jo. Everything went well with talented trainers, the St. Denis Clinic nurses, Mothers2Mothers and the HIV Counselor; and very good caterer ooh! nice food indeed. Really the workshop was very successful. Thanks Maliba Lodge with very good tea and palatable muffins and cookies. But ah! Now everyone is calling me on the road “Makau Makau when will you make another workshop”.

Makau Hali Khutsi

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