Lesotho News

Trip WoW – Pimp your travel photos

September 17, 2010

Tripadvisor - get the truth, then go!We all know of TripAdvisor. They’ve been awhile for a number of years and help millions of people evaluate places to stay and visit while they are planning their trips abroad or even in their backyards. If you like the idea of being able to mash up photos in a “special” slide-show presentation.  Wait, slide-show isn’t quite right, it is so much more than just a slide-show….

TripAdvisor has now launched TripWOW, continuing their push into the social networking arena. No more scrolling though photo after photo on your computer. Now you can literally WOW your friends and family with a dramatic video once you get back from your travels and make them green with envy….

Tripadvisor's Tripwow pageNow for the first time, travelers have the option to effortlessly turn ordinary vacation photos into a dazzling slide-show to share with friends and family,” said Christine Petersen, chief marketing officer for TripAdvisor.

TripWow unleashes the true potential of travel photos and replaces standard, boring vacation slide-shows with a dazzling mini-film of travel memories.

We are all guilty for taking hundreds or even thousands of photographs while we’re on holiday, only to burn them onto DVD and shelve it away. Now there really is no excuse to leave photos languishing on your hard drive or scattered around the house on media cards, never to see the light of day again.

Add your photos from your computer, Facebook, Picasa, Flickr, or TravelPod. It literally takes 2 minutes to publish them in a high-quality video, complete with captions, flags, music, 3-D graphics, background music and interactive maps.  Everything you need to impress and your friends.

Landlocked Kingdom Slideshow: Kenneth’s trip from Jersey City, New Jersey, United States to Mokhotlong, Lesotho was created by TripAdvisor. See another Mokhotlong slideshow. Create your own stunning free slideshow from your travel photos.


Once you have created your amazing travel video, TripWow makes it incredibly easy to share videos with friends and family via e-mail or social networking sites such as Facebook, Twitter and MySpace. You can even embed your video in your websites and blogs as well.

Not sure how to start? View this simple step by step tutorial and you’ll be creating your very own TripWoW shows in no time at all.

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  • Reply 床墊 September 25, 2010 at 5:30 pm

    Thanks a million for this, I appreciate the info

  • Reply house dj riri cloudseven May 4, 2016 at 4:44 am

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