Lidia with some local village children
When I first planned to come to Lesotho I thought it would be to bring enlightenment to the “poor” locals through my teaching. But it seems I am the one who has been enlightened in so many ways.
From the very start I have felt welcomed by you all, at first as a guest, but as time went on, as family. You have supported me not only with your excellent service, but by imparting your wisdom and sharing your stories with me so that I could learn can understand your culture, your language your customs and beliefs. You have all taught me so much and have helped to make my journey here one I will never forget.
I will miss you all! Laughing and joking around the kitchen with Mariam Francisca, Patrick and Gladys, chatting at the bar with Suzann, Rose, Anna and Daniel, friendly smiles and hellos between showers with Cecilia, Justinah, the ever present cheekiness of Martin and all the boys, sharing the videos of the children with Anna and Gladys, dancing in the lodge with Juliette, the pristine room to welcome me home what Peter and his crew organised with the surprise on the pillow, chasing Alice for photos! Relaxing around the BBQ with Rose, Dwayne, Elayni and Andrew. And the biggest highlight – your amazing singing and dancing which I have videoed and left on the computer! So many memories to cherish! I have felt so welcomed and loved I really haven’t missed my family.
So, in the language you have taught me, I say. Keleboha bo ansi and boabuti!
Please stay in touch and God willing, I will return!
Love and squishes,
Lidia Mancini
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