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Lesotho Culture

This category showcases the Lesotho culture and anything associated with Lesotho environment and day to day life. Enjoy the cultural life of Lesotho.

  • America Peace Corps

    One Love?

    When teaching about preventing HIV, probably the main issue we volunteers come up against is multiple concurrent partners. Many people I’ve talked to here say it’s just part of the culture, which sounds like…

    April 16, 2012
  • America Peace Corps

    50 Chickens! Likhoho li teng!

    After months of delay we finally got our layer chickens. The gardens of the community centre have also really started to grow. The chickens are going to provide eggs for the orphans and needy…

    February 5, 2012
  • America Peace Corps

    Ha Mali Community Center Opening

    Last week we had the new community center opening, and it was a big success!  After a very busy couple weeks of preparation and postponements, we finally were able to open the center and…

    January 10, 2012
  • America Peace Corps

    Kea Kula – Donkey Transport!

    I recently got some pretty severe blisters on both feet. And while not a serious injury, the blisters were bad enough that I couldn’t really walk, and was reduced to hobbling around painfully. Through…

    November 28, 2011
  • America Peace Corps

    Our Ha Mali Community Center

    Juliana Fulton   We are only a month away from opening the Ha Mali Community Center!  The idea for its creation came from hearing all the different problems facing the families in my village when…

    November 2, 2011
  • Lesotho Culture

    The Bearded Vulture of Lesotho

    Common Names: Bearded Vulture, Lamb Vulture, Lammergeier, Lammergeyer or Lammergeir. The name of the Lammergeier originates from German, in which language it means “lamb-vulture.” This raptor will often drop bones from a great height…

    September 29, 2011
  • America Peace Corps

    Journal Excerpt from Sept. 1

    Well I’ve been super busy, with 2-4 things to do every day for these past couple weeks. Today I had a meeting about the community centre in the morning (and building a seed bed)…

    September 28, 2011
  • America Peace Corps

    What 24% HIV+ Really Means

    When I first signed up for my Peace Corps assignment, all that I was told was that I’d be in Lesotho, working with communities on HIV/AIDS. I was very excited about living in Lesotho,…

    September 1, 2011
  • Lesotho Culture

    Child shepherds flock to night school

    Prince Seeiso has co-founded a charity, Sentebale, with Britain's Prince Harry to help meet some of the challenges that face this remote country. One of Sentebale's missions is to help provide an education for…

    August 31, 2011
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